Different types of acne scars
What causes scarring?
Acne scarring tends to be genetically linked to a person’s unique inflammation response. A person with a secondary inflammatory response to trauma is more likely to scar than someone with a single inflammatory response to trauma. This is the reason that some people who suffer from acne get scars while others keep an even smooth skin.
How to prevent acne scars
Firstly if you suffer from acne you need to consult with your doctor and get the proper treatment. Secondly it is extremely important never to pick at your skin. Many dermatologists have said that scarring happens more from the picking than from the acne itself. You can still pop a pimple, but never pick at it afterwards. Try to leave your skin as untouched as you possibly can.
It is important to note that a scar will never fully disappear. The treatments lighten and flatten the scars to blend in with the natural skin. You can go to either a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon, and they can advise on which would be the correct treatment for the severity of the acne scars. Another treatment that does not involve doctors is Scar Esthetique Crème. The cream might take a bit longer to show maximum results, but will reduce the redness and the bumpiness of the scarring. Used in conjunction with the Scar Heal Silicone Sheeting will give you faster results.
The different types of acne scars
Ice Pick
These kinds of scars are like deep pits and are usually less than 2mm across. They expand into the skin, giving an appearance of your skin being punctured by an ice pick.
These scars tend to be angular in shape and have sharp vertical edges. They resemble scars that are caused by chicken pox. They can be shallow or deep scars, and are most commonly found on the cheek area or the temple area.
This type of scarring is caused by damage under the surface of the skin. They tend to be wide and shallow, and give the skin a wavelike appearance.
These types of scars appear raised and lumpy. They most commonly appear on the back or chest area, but may also appear on the neck or on the face. Hypertrophic scarring is a direct result of severe acne (cysts or nodules), and they normally stay in the boundary of the original wound, but will likely decrease in size over some time.
These are not scars, but are often thought they are because they can leave marks for years before they actually disappear. They are red or dark marks that are left behind from a pimple once the pimple has healed.
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